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Drama Quotes & Reviews

Ahsoka Part One: Master and Apprentice "Sometimes even the right reasons have the wrong consequences. What do we do then?" "정당한 이유가 잘못된 결과를 낳기도 하죠. 그럴 땐 어떻게 해야 할까요?" Part Two: Toil and Trouble "Master.. What happens when we find Thrawn?" "Master.. Thrawn을 찾으면 어떻게 되는 거죠?" "For some, war. For others.. a new beginning." "누군가에게는 전쟁이, 또 다른 누군가에게는 새로운 시작이 찾아오겠지." "And for us?" "우리는요?" "Power. Such as you've ..
Secret Invasion Episode #01. Resurrection "You always told me there is no shame in walking away when the steps are uncertain. So check your footing. Otherwise someone's gonna get hurt." "디딜 곳에 확신이 없을 때 물러서는 건 부끄러운 게 아니라고 하셨죠. 잘 생각해 보세요. 아니면 누군가 다칠 겁니다." "Maybe we postpone the strike." "공격을 미루는 게 어떨까?" "To the contrary. Thanks to you, we have the bait." "그 반대로 가야지. 네 덕에 미끼가 생겼잖아." Episode #02. Promises "You keep..
The Mandalorian: Season III Chapter #17. The Apostate "If I visit the planet and I can bring you proof that I have bathed in the Living Waters beneath the mines of Mandalore, then by Creed, the decree of exile will be lifted and I would be redeemed." "Mandalore 광산 밑의 생명수에 가서 몸을 씻었다는 증거를 가져오면 계율에 따라서 추방령이 해제되고 만회할 수 있어." "This is the Way." "이것이 우리의 길이다." "Then I will see you again." "그럼 다녀오지." Chapter #18. The Mines of Mand..
Andor: Season I Episode #01. Kassa "Seems like that happens every time you come around." "당신만 오면 꼭 이런 일이 생기네요." "I wouldn't worry. She's tougher than both of us." "걱정하지 말아요. Bix는 우리 둘 보다 강한 여자니까." "Kassa." "Kassa." Episode #02. That Would Be Me "The best way to keep the blade sharp is to use it." "칼날을 날카롭게 유지하려면 그것을 휘둘러야 합니다." Episode #03. Reckoning "To steal from the Empire? What do you need? A uniform, some d..
House of the Dragon: Season I Episode #01. Heirs of the Dragon "(in High Valyrian) I wonder if, during those few hours my brother lived, my father finally found happiness." "동생의 숨이 붙어 있던 그 잠시나마 아버지께서 행복하셨을지 궁금하네요." "(in High Valyrian) Your father needs you more now than he ever has." "형님께는 네가 필요해. 그 어느 때보다 절실히 말이야." "(in High Valyrian) I will never be a son." "전 아들이 될 수 없는걸요." "The Heir for a Day." "하루살이 후계자." "If the world ..
She-Hulk: Attorney at Law Episode #01. A Normal Amount of Rage "Because those with the most power have the most to answer for." "가장 힘 있는 자들이 가장 큰 책임을 져야 합니다." "I know you didn't ask for this, but whether you like it or not, you're now a superhero. And who's gonna protect the world if it isn't people like us?" "네가 원한 일은 아니지만 좋든 싫든 넌 이제 슈퍼히어로야. 우리 같은 사람들 아니면 세상은 누가 지켜?" "Are you quoting a comic right now?" "만화책 대사 읊어?" Epi..
Obi-Wan Kenobi Part I "You know who we are." "너는 우리가 누구인지 알고있나." "Inquisitors." "Inquisitor요." "And what we do?" "무슨 일을 하는지도?" "You hunt Jedi." "Jedi를 사냥하죠." "In actually, I would say the Jedi hunt themselves." "엄밀히 말하자면 Jedi는 자신을 스스로 사냥하지." "You don't need manners when you're talking to a lower life form." "하등 생명체랑 이야기할 땐 예의 안 차려도 돼." "Then I guess I don't need manners when I'm talking to you." "그럼 오빠랑 이야기할 때..
Ms. Marvel Episode #01. Generation Why "You're Kamala Khan. You wanna save the world, then you're gonna save the world." "넌 Kamala Khan이잖아. 세상을 구하고 싶어? 그럼 가서 세상을 구해." "Who do you want to be in this world? Do you want to be good like we raised you to be? Or do you want to be this costumed head in the clouds person?" "너는 어떤 사람이 되고 싶은 거니? 엄마, 아빠가 가르친 대로 착한 사람이 되고 싶니? 그게 아니면 무슨 이런 거나 따라 하고 다니는 정신머리 없는 사람이 될래?"..
Moon Knight Episode #01. The Goldfish Problem "They'd take this big metal hook, right? And they go up the old nozzle and All the organs would come out.. Except for the heart." "이 커다란 쇠갈고리를 코에 집어넣은 다음 장기를 다 꺼내는 거야.. 심장만 빼고." "How come?" "심장은 왜요?" "Because they believed you needed your heart to be judged in the underworld and only the worthiest would be allowed to pass through the field of reeds." "저승에서 심판을 받..
The Book of Boba Fett Chapter #01. Stranger in a Strange Land "Things will go a lot smoother if you accept their ways." "여기 방식을 따른다면 일이 훨씬 순조롭게 진행될 텐데." "Jabba ruled with fear. I intend to rule with respect." "Jabba는 공포로써 다스렸지. 나는 존경으로써 다스릴 것이다." Chapter #02. The Tribes of Tatooine "Sleep lightly, bounty hunter." "깊이 잠들지 마라, 현상금 사냥꾼." "You shouldn't have to hide. You are warriors." "숨지 않아도 돼. 너희는 전사들이야." "The off-wor..