How to Train Your Dragon (1) How to Train Your Dragon How to Train Your Dragon(2010)"Three hundred years and I'm the first Viking who wouldn't kill a dragon.""지난 300년간 드래곤을 죽이지 못하는 바이킹은 내가 처음이야.""First one to ride one, though..So?""드래곤을 탄것도 네가 처음이지..그래서?""I wouldn't kill him because he looked as frightened as I was. I looked at him and I saw myself.""난 그 녀석을 죽일 수 없었어. 그 녀석도 나처럼 겁을 먹어서 나를 죽이지 못했거든. 걔한테서 내 모습이 보였던거야.""I bet he's really frightened now.. 이전 1 다음