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Saw Saw(2004)"Most people are so ungrateful to be alive. But not you. Not any more. Game over.""대부분의 사람들은 살아 있다는 사실에 감사하지 않아. 하지만 넌 다르겠지. 더 이상은. Game over."Saw II(2005)"Look closer, Detective Matthews.""자세히 살펴봐, Matthews 형사.""I don't need your help, and I can tell you that you stil don't understand. Those who don't appreciate life, do not deserve life.""자네 도움은 필요 없어, 아직도 이해를 못 하는 군. 삶을 감사하지 않는 자들은 살..
DC Extended Universe | Part III The Suicide Squad(2021)"Here's the deal. We fail the mission, you die.""이렇게 하지. 우리가 임무에 실패하면, 넌 죽는다.""We find out any information you give us is false, you die.""네가 준 정보 중 하나라도 틀리면, 넌 죽는다.""If we find out you have personalized license plates, you die.""만약 너한테 개인 번호판이 있으면, 넌 죽는다.""What? No.""뭐? 아니야.""If you mismatch blacks, you die.""만약 네가 블랙커피를 못 타면, 넌 죽는다.""I love the rain. It's like angels are..
Stranger Things: Season IV Chapter One: The Hellfire Club"Maybe you should find something you care about too.""너도 관심 가는 일을 찾아봐.""What the hell is that supposed to mean?""그게 무슨 뜻이야?""You're just.. It's.. It's like you're not even here anymore. It's.. It's like you're a ghost or something.""넌.. 마치 여기에 없는 사람 같아졌어. 유령이라도 된 것 같다고."'Hop is Alive!''Hop는 살아있다!'"Don't cry, Chrissy. It's time for your suffering.. to end.""울지 마라, Ch..
Stranger Things: Season III Chapter One: Suzie, Do You Copy?"To share our feelings.""감정을 나눌 수 있는 환경."Chapter Two: The Mall Rats"We cured polio in '53. Landed on the moon in '69. As I tell my students, once you open up that curiosity door, anything is possible.""인간은 53년도에 소아마비를 치료했고 69년도에 달에 착륙했어요. 학생들한테 늘 말하지만, 한번 호기심의 문을 열면 불가능이란 없죠.""The week is long. the silver cat feeds. when blue meets yellow in the west.""일주일은 길다. 은색..
Stranger Things: Season II Chapter One: MADMAX"The thing is, nobody normal ever accomplished anything meaningful in this world.""중요한 건, 평범한 사람이 세상에 의미 있는 걸 이룬 적은 없다는 거야."Chapter Two: Trick or Treat, Freak"It's hard, but let's.. let's just go to Tina's stupid party.. wear our stupid costumes that we've been working on for a stupid amount of time, and just pretend like we're stupid teenagers, okay? Can we just do that, just..
Stranger Things: Season I Chapter One: The Vanishing of Will Byers"It's just.. I should've been there for him.""솔직히.. 제가 옆에 있었어야 했어요.""No. Oh, no. You can't do that to yourself. This was not your fault. Do you hear me? He is.. close. I know it. I.. I feel it in my heart. You just have to.. You have to trust me on this, okay?""아냐, 그런 소리 하지 마. 네 잘못이 아니잖아, 내 말 알지? 그 애는 분명 근처에 있어. 난.. 난 느낄 수 있으니까 내 말 믿어, 알았지?"Chapter Two: Th..
The Hunger Games The Hunger Games(2012)"May the odds be ever in your favor.""확률의 신이 언제나 당신과 함께하기를."The Hunger Games: Catching Fire(2013)"Katniss, when you're in the arena, Remember who the real enemy is.""Katniss, 경기장에 들어가면, 진짜 적이 누구인지 기억해라."The Hunger Games: Mockingjay: Part 1(2014)"The fire is catching. If we born, you born with us!""불길은 번지고 있다. 우리가 불타면, 당신도 우리와 함께 불탈 것이다!"The Hunger Games: Mockingjay: Part 2(..
Loki: Season II Episode #07. Ouroboros"Everything you've been doing is wrong and all your gods are dead.""너희가 했던 모든 게 틀렸고 너희의 신은 모두 죽었다.""I can't keep looking at it 'cause it's horrible.""끔찍해서 더는 못 봐주겠어.""What? I thought you said it didn't look that bad.""뭐? 그리 나쁘진 않다며?""I was lying. It's terrible, looks like you're being born or dying or both at the same time.""거짓말이야. 끔찍해, 태어나거나 죽거나 두 가지를 동시에 하는 것 같아."Episode ..
Ahsoka Part One: Master and Apprentice"Sometimes even the right reasons have the wrong consequences. What do we do then?""정당한 이유가 잘못된 결과를 낳기도 하죠. 그럴 땐 어떻게 해야 할까요?"Part Two: Toil and Trouble"Master.. What happens when we find Thrawn?""Master.. Thrawn을 찾으면 어떻게 되는 거죠?""For some, war. For others.. a new beginning.""누군가에게는 전쟁이, 또 다른 누군가에게는 새로운 시작이 찾아오겠지.""And for us?""우리는요?""Power. Such as you've never drea..
The Conjuring Universe The Conjuring(2013)"God brought us together for a reason. This is it.""신이 우리를 만나게 해준 이유는 바로 이것 때문일 거야.""The fairy tale is true. The devil exists. God exists. And for us, as people, our very destiny hinges upon which one we elect to follow.""동화 속 악마와 신은 있고 어떤 것을 믿느냐에 따라 인류의 운명은 달라진다."Annabelle(2014)"The loveliest masterpiece of the heart of God is the heart of a mother.""신이 빚은 가장 위대한 작품은 어머니의 사랑이..