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Movie Quotes & Reviews/Series Movie Quotes

The Mummy Trilogy The Mummy(1999)"Know this, this creature is the bringer of death. He will never eat, he will never sleep, and he will never stop.""하나 알려주지, 놈은 죽음을 가져올 거야. 아무것도 먹지도 않고 잠도 안 자고 절대 멈추지도 않을 거야.""Death is only the beginning.""죽음은 단지 시작일 뿐이다."The Mummy Returns(2001)"How else do you explain Evy's visions? That it is your son who wears the bracelet? How do you explain your mark?""Evy의 환상을 어떻게 설명할 건가? 당신..
Kingsman Kingsman: The Secret Service(2015)"If you're looking for another rent boy, they're on the corner of Smith street.""어린 남자 애인이 필요하면 Smith 가로 가보시지.""Manners.. maketh.. man.""매너가.. 사람을.. 만든다.""You need to take that chip off your shoulder.""어깨에 힘이 잔뜩 들어갔군, 좀 풀어줄까?""There is nothing noble.. in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility is being superior to your former self.""타인보다 우수하다고 고귀한 것이 아니..
The Matrix The Matrix(1999)"This.. This isn't real?""이건.. 진짜가 아닌가요?""What is real? How do you define 'real'? If you're talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then 'real' is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain.""진짜라는 게 뭐지? 정의를 어떻게 내려? 촉각이나 후각, 미각, 시각을 뜻하는 거라면 '진짜'란 두뇌가 해석하는 전자 신호에 불과해."The Matrix Reloaded(2003)"Candy?""사탕 먹을래?""Do you already know if..
007 Casino Royale(2006)"You're not going to let me in there, are you? You've got your armour back on. That's that.""날 들여보내 주지 않을 거죠? 굳게 걸어 잠가둔 당신 가슴속에..""I have no armour left. You've stripped it from me. Whatever is left of me.. whatever is left of me.. whatever I am. I'm yours.""난 닫혀있지 않아. 당신이 열었지. 내게 남은 것.. 내게 남아있는.. 나의 모든 것들. 모두 당신 거야."Quantum of Solace(2008)"Do you think they'll be able to slee..
Final Destination Final Destination(2000)"In death, there are no accidents. no coincidences, no mishaps.. and no escapes. What you have to realize is we're all just a mouse.. a cat has by the tail.""죽음에 사고란 없단다. 우연도 실수도 없고.. 탈출구도 안 보이지. 우리 모두 죽음 앞에서는 고양이 앞의 쥐일 뿐이야."Final Destination 2(2003)"Only new life can defeat death.""새 생명만이 죽음을 이기지.""What the hell does that mean?""그게 무슨 소리죠?""Some people say there's a balan..
Bridget Johns's Trilogy Bridget Jones's Diary(2001)"I like you, very much.""난 네가 좋아, 정말 많이.""Ah, apart from the smoking and the drinking, the vulgar mother and.. ah, the verbal diarrhea.""골초에 술고래에 속물인 엄마를 뒀고.. 수다쟁이라는 것만 아니라면 말이죠.""No, I like you very much. Just as you are.""아니, 난 있는 그대로의 네가 정말 좋아.""I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it. Well, I meant it, but I was so stupid that I didn't mean what I meant.. After all, it's on..
The Transporter The Transporter(2002)"How did a lowlife like you.. end up with my daughter?""너 같은 놈이.. 어떻게 내 딸과 엮였지?""Found her in a bag. Isn't that where you left her?""딸을 가방에 넣어서 버린 덕분일걸?"Transporter 2(2005)"A man who leads his life by rules.. In my world rules are meant to be broken.""규칙을 지키며 사는 사내대장부라.. 나의 세계에서 규칙은 깨지라고 있는 법이지.""Not mine.""내 규칙은 달라."Transporter 3(2008)"We wouldn't fit, but you and the brace..
Resident Evil Resident Evil(2002)"You're all going to die down here.""당신들은 여기서 전부 죽게 될 거예요.""I'm missing you already.""벌써 그리워지네요.""I'm not dead yet.""나 아직 안 죽었어."Resident Evil: Apocalypse(2004)"Killing me won't make things right.""날 죽인다고 일이 풀리진 않아.""No, but it's a start!""그래, 하지만 시작은 되겠지!""My name is Alice and I remember everything.""내 이름은 Alice 그리고 난 모든 걸 기억한다."Resident Evil: Extinction(2007)"For so long, I ..
Riddic Pitch Black(2000)"Like I said, it ain't me you gotta worry about.""말했듯이 겁내야 하는 건 내가 아냐.""Tell them Riddick's dead. He died somewhere back on that planet.""Riddick은 죽었다고 말해. 저 행성 어디선가 죽었다고."The Chronicles of Riddick(2004)"The Necromonger in me warns you not to go back. But the Furyan in me.. hopes you won't listen. God knows.. I've dreamed of it.""내 안의 네크로몬거는 너에게 가지 말라고 경고하지만, 내 안의 퓨리언은.. 주저하지 말라..
Men in Black Men in Black(1997)"Fifteen hundred years ago, everybody knew that the Earth was the center of the universe. Five hundred years ago, everybody knew that the Earth was flat. And fifteen minutes ago, you knew that humans were alone on this planet. Imagine what you'll know tomorrow.""1500년 전엔 모든 사람이 지구가 우주의 중심이라고 생각했어. 500년 전엔 모두가 지구는 평평한 줄 알았고, 15분 전에 넌 지구엔 인간만 사는 줄 알았지. 내일은 뭘 알게 될까?"Men in Black I..